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21/02/10 - Hello again. Seven pieces already up this year, i'm very happy with that. Starting to get a

flow going with many different areas in my life, including this one, so i have pretty fair expectations

of myself. Should be able to keep up with it...

19/01/10 - Happy New Year!!! A little late, but always welcome. Mainly going to put a bit more effort into

this for this year. Not going too bad so far, hopefully will be a mixture of stuff I do, not just arty

farty stuff, lol. Got big ideas, so many just want to get on and try them...


09/09/09 - Thought i'd put loads of stuff up to make myself feel productive, lol.

Haven't had time to get a lot done, busy with health, new job, the wedding... So

i wanted to put something up as i wont get anything else really done till xmas

and the new year. Getting ideas together for a little thing called 'Project Springmead',

'The Mentalz' and another random idea that i got. Will try to get something done

in spare time and whilist on the plane, lol...

26/07/09 - Got my first ever portrait up in the archives today, proud of myself, lol. Been checking out loads

of airbrushing sites and getting very imspired...

07/07/09 - Hello!!! The start of a very long journey. Mainly doing this site to just have a go and see what

happens. I have no idea what I'm doing but hopefully I'll learn along the way. My first piece I'm putting up

is just a piece of fanart on Mario. Thought he would be a good place to start...